The MIDAS Malaysia Society Seminar
for Civil Engineers

Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalu (Vista Foyer, Level 1, 50 seats LIMITED, Lunch Provided) 19th of September (Tuesday) 09:00 AM ~ 06:00 PM
EVENT block Register now
The MIDAS Malaysia Society Seminar
for Civil Engineers
Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalu (Vista Foyer, Level 1, 50 seats LIMITED, Lunch Provided) 19th of September (Tuesday) 09:00 AM ~ 06:00 PM

Discover the Most Efficient & Easiest Way to Bridge Design 


It's important to find trustworthy structural analysis software, especially for engineers, who spend most of their time designing and analyzing structures.


Here's the best partner for civil engineers - midas Civil.

Explore what your best partner can do for you.
midas Software will lighten your work and make bridge design easier than ever before.


MIDAS Structural Software will be introduced to Malaysian engineers in KK on September 19th.

We are looking forward to meeting all Malaysian Experts & Engineers from prestigious engineering companies who will change the world with civil engineering.


MIDAS family programs are advanced CAE(Computer Aided Engineering) solutions that are continuously developing applying cutting edge technology.


  • 09:00 - 09:30

    Registration - Seminar Guidelines & Reminders

  • 09:30 - 09:40

    Opening Speech: Greetings & MIDAS IT Company Intro
    by Sonny (Donghyuk) Son /Malaysia Account Manager, MIDAS IT

  • 09:45 - 11:00

    Session 1:



    by Ir. Teh Tzyy Wooi / Director of H&T Consulting Engineers Sdn Bhd.

  • 11:00 - 11:20

    Coffee Break


  • 11:20 - 12:30

    Session 2:

    RSI(Rail Structure Interaction): another strength of midas Civil


    by Pranav Mahendra Vaishampayan, Structural Technician of Global Technical Center, MIDAS IT


  • 12:30 - 13:30

    Lunch Break

  • 13:30 - 15:00

    Training Session 1:
    Steel Composite Girder Bridge (Part.1)


    by Sumit Shekhar, Structural Technician of Global Technical Center, MIDAS IT
  • 15:00 - 15:20

    Coffee Break


  • 15:20 - 16:50

    Training Session 2:
    Steel Composite Girder Bridge (Part.2)



    by Sumit Shekhar, Structural Technician of Global Technical Center, MIDAS IT

  • 16:50 - 17:30

    Training Session 3:

    FCM(Balanced Cantilever Bridge) & Advanced functions



    by Sumit Shekhar, Structural Technician of Global Technical Center, MIDAS IT

  • 17:30 - 18:00

    Lucky Draw Event & Closing Remarks

    by Logan An / Regional Manager, MIDAS IT 

  • 12:00 - 14:00 SESSION 2-1

    3D Excavation and Piled-Raft Foundation

    [Part 1] 3D Geometry modeling and Meshing
    [Part 2] Analysis control and checking results.

  • 12:00 - 14:00 SESSION 2-1

    3D Excavation and Piled-Raft Foundation

    [Part 1] 3D Geometry modeling and Meshing
    [Part 2] Analysis control and checking results.

  • 12:00 - 14:00 SESSION 2-1

    3D Excavation and Piled-Raft Foundation

    [Part 1] 3D Geometry modeling and Meshing
    [Part 2] Analysis control and checking results.

  • 12:00 - 14:00 SESSION 2-1

    3D Excavation and Piled-Raft Foundation

    [Part 1] 3D Geometry modeling and Meshing
    [Part 2] Analysis control and checking results.

  • 12:00 - 14:00 SESSION 2-1

    3D Excavation and Piled-Raft Foundation

    [Part 1] 3D Geometry modeling and Meshing
    [Part 2] Analysis control and checking results.

  • 12:00 - 14:00 SESSION 2-1

    3D Excavation and Piled-Raft Foundation

    [Part 1] 3D Geometry modeling and Meshing
    [Part 2] Analysis control and checking results.

  • Opening Speech

    Sonny (Donghyuk) Son /Malaysia Account Manager, MIDAS IT

    Sonny(Donghyuk) Son focuses on building strong relationships with clients. By understanding their needs, he ensures smooth delivery of their IT solutions, exceeding expectations and fostering lasting partnerships. Through effective communication and a client-centered approach, he consistently aims to enhance client satisfaction and drive their success.
  • Study of Aerodynamic Performance on Concrete Deck Section in Cable Stayed Bridge

    Teh Tzyy Wooi / Director of H&T Consulting Engineers Sdn Bhd.

    Mr. Teh has more than 22 years of experience in design, construction and maintenance of bridgeworks, underground structures. He has achieved BSc from UKM and MSc in Bridge Engineering from Surrey University. He is responsible for the design of many major road and rail bridges.
  • Rail Structure Interaction

    Pranav Mahendra Vaishampayan / Structural Technician / Global techinical Center, MIDAS IT

    Pranav is Civil Engineering Technician in Global Technical Center (GTC) of MIDAS IT. He will provide a quality training session to 100% utilize the PSC composite box girder function of midas Civil.
  • Steel Composite Girder Bridge

    Sumit Shekhar/ Structural Technician / Global Technical Center, MIDAS IT

    Sumit Sheckhar is Civil Engineering Technician in Global Technical Center (GTC) of MIDAS IT. He will provide a quality training session to fully utilize the Steel composite I- girder bridge functions of midas Civil.
  • Closing Remarks

    Logan An / Regional Manager, MIDAS IT

    Mr. An has over 5 years of global sales experience in various fields with a proven record of overachieving goals. Through this experience, he has learnt the importance of always putting the clients first and giving added value, to form relationships which benefit all related parties.
  • Opening Speech

    Sonny (Donghyuk) Son /Malaysia Account Manager, MIDAS IT

    Sonny(Donghyuk) Son focuses on building strong relationships with clients. By understanding their needs, he ensures smooth delivery of their IT solutions, exceeding expectations and fostering lasting partnerships. Through effective communication and a client-centered approach, he consistently aims to enhance client satisfaction and drive their success.
  • Study of Aerodynamic Performance on Concrete Deck Section in Cable Stayed Bridge

    Teh Tzyy Wooi / Director of H&T Consulting Engineers Sdn Bhd.

    Mr. Teh has more than 22 years of experience in design, construction and maintenance of bridgeworks, underground structures. He has achieved BSc from UKM and MSc in Bridge Engineering from Surrey University. He is responsible for the design of many major road and rail bridges.
  • Rail Structure Interaction

    Pranav Mahendra Vaishampayan / Structural Technician / Global techinical Center, MIDAS IT

    Pranav is Civil Engineering Technician in Global Technical Center (GTC) of MIDAS IT. He will provide a quality training session to 100% utilize the PSC composite box girder function of midas Civil.
  • Steel Composite Girder Bridge

    Sumit Shekhar/ Structural Technician / Global Technical Center, MIDAS IT

    Sumit Sheckhar is Civil Engineering Technician in Global Technical Center (GTC) of MIDAS IT. He will provide a quality training session to fully utilize the Steel composite I- girder bridge functions of midas Civil.
  • Closing Remarks

    Logan An / Regional Manager, MIDAS IT

    Mr. An has over 5 years of global sales experience in various fields with a proven record of overachieving goals. Through this experience, he has learnt the importance of always putting the clients first and giving added value, to form relationships which benefit all related parties.
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Please check the confirmation email from GoToWebinar for joining the session.

  • Seminar Event in Malyasia at no charge!

    The seminar is free for all engineers who wish to attend (Limited to 70 Seats). MIDAS will cover all expenses incurred in conducting the seminar. Please feel free to come and enjoy.

  • Special Promotion: High Performance Laptop


    This promotion is valid solely to the first fifteen (15) people or organizations that issue a purchase order.
    (Valid until September 28, 2023)

  • Special Discount on midas Software

    Additional 5% discount from the original price if confirmation can be made during the seminar.
    (Signed quote provided on September 19, 2023)

  • Seminar Event in Malyasia at no charge!

    The seminar is free for all engineers who wish to attend (Limited to 70 Seats). MIDAS will cover all expenses incurred in conducting the seminar. Please feel free to come and enjoy.

  • Special Promotion: High Performance Laptop


    This promotion is valid solely to the first fifteen (15) people or organizations that issue a purchase order.
    (Valid until September 28, 2023)

  • Special Discount on midas Software

    Additional 5% discount from the original price if confirmation can be made during the seminar.
    (Signed quote provided on September 19, 2023)

Location & Time
Hilton Hotel, Kota Kinabalue, 9:00AM ~ 6:00PM
Date & Location

1. Participation in this seminar is FREE.

2. We recommend you register immediately since the number of 70 seats is limited.

3. Please visit 'Vista Foyer' on level 1 and find register desk to get your name tag.

4. For effective training session, we recommend you to bring your personnel laptop computer in order to get the hands-on experience of MIDAS software.

Date & Location

1. Participation of this seminar is FREE.
2. We recommend you to register immediately since the number of seats are limited.
3. If you come early to the seminar place, you can enjoy the welcome snack and coffee/tea.
4. For effective training session, we recommend you to bring your personnel laptop computer in order to get the hands-on experience of MIDAS software.
5. Training license and installation guide will be provided to all registrants before the seminar in advance.