MIDAS Connector: Revolutionizing Data Exchange with MIDAS CIVIL NX

midasBridge TeamMay 17, 2024

Introduction to MIDAS Connector

The newly to be released MIDAS CIVIL NX has an API feature installed. API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a language used for communication between the operating system and applications. In other words, a communication environment has been set up where you can send or receive data from MIDAS CIVIL NX through the API. However, to utilize the API, you need to know how to code using a development language. It feels like there's more to do because you need to know how to code.

The Easiest Way to Create Load Combinations

midasBridge TeamMarch 27, 2024

1. Plug-in for Creating Load Combinations Using Only Basic Loads

To design structures, we must necessarily create load combinations. These combinations change depending on the state of the loads affecting the structure, and the coefficients considered for these loads vary according to standards. Therefore, while automatically generated load combinations are used for convenience in creating various load combinations, it is difficult to generate combinations that satisfy all conditions.

Optimizing Workflow with MIDAS OpenAPI and Plug-ins

midasBridge TeamMarch 13, 2024


   I would like to introduce the basic and advanced information about MIDAS API. I was surprised that many users wanted to use MIDAS API and asked when we could start to use it. Users have contacted us worldwide regardless of specific regions, company size, and areas.

The Digital Revolution in Construction: What You Need to Know

midasBridge TeamApril 19, 2023

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MIDAS API Based Product Connectivity

midasBridge TeamDecember 16, 2022

The construction industry is evolving at mind-blowing speed. Using the latest available technology and software solutions is essential to reduce the efforts of engineers and remove the burden of repetitive tasks. This is where API comes in.



Table of Contents 

midas API (Application Programming Interface)

midasBridge TeamJune 22, 2022

1. MIDAS Open API (Application Program Interface) Workflow

API (Application Programming Interface) is a type of software that provides a connection between computers or between computer programs. Furthermore, API helps interface within the software. There are often misunderstandings of why an engineer wants to implement API. First of all, rather than focusing on the value of the API, it is better to think about the value of the effect it brings. APIs make sense when they provide a channel through which businesses can access the current value in new ways.