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[Free Download] The importance of API and its use

MIDASoftAugust 12, 2024

What is Application Programming Interface (API)?


The first thought that will come into your mind is exactly what is this API? and why a civil engineer like me needs to know about this techno-sounding topic.

Webinar: Advances in Bridge Inspection, Safety Evaluation, and Design

MIDASoftAugust 12, 2024

In this webinar, Top MIDAS Expert Yanling Leng from IMEG present on the advances and technology trends in bridge inspection, load rating, and design that could impact the bridge industry. She also shared her thoughts on how technological advances impact the value of bridge engineers??skills. Our team collaborated with her to demonstrate the capabilities of midas CIM. For all North American engineers, you can also join our next sessions by signing up here

Spanning the Impossible: The Art and Science of Suspension Bridges

MIDASoftJuly 25, 2024

Defining Suspension Bridges: An Engineering Marvel

Suspension bridges are remarkable structures supported by massive main cables stretched between two or more towers. This design is the preferred choice for expansive spans where conventional bridge types prove impractical. The main cables, anchored at both ends of the bridge, are under tension and bear the weight of the bridge deck along with dynamic loads from vehicles and pedestrians. Typically, the deck hangs below these main cables, secured by smaller vertical cables or rods.

Understanding Beam Bridges: Design, Components, and Construction Methods

MIDASoftJuly 12, 2024


Beam Bridges: An Essential Element in Transportation Infrastructure

Beam bridges, commonly referred to as girder bridges, represent one of the most prevalent and fundamental bridge types globally. Despite their apparent simplicity, these structures play a pivotal role in our transportation systems, ensuring the safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians across various terrains such as rivers, valleys, and highways. This article delves into the design, construction, and essential features of beam bridges, highlighting the science behind their stability and strength.