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6th & 7th of June 2024, 10:00AM (GMT+2)

midas it europe
webinar conference

Become your daily design partner



MIDAS IT EUROPE has collaborated with various European Civil Engineering experts and users, leveraging its expertise in 3D/2D FEM analysis. We empower our users to deliver complex infra projects with efficiency, accuracy, and easy of use.

MIDAS IT's comprehensive solutions, spanning 3D Modeling from 2D Drawing, bridge design, building design, and geotechnical engineering, position the company as a trusted partner for the civil engineering industry.

Offering a one-stop solution platform for our users, MIDAS IT EUROPE has widely organized this webinar conference in June with the aspiration that European users will have the opportunity to experience the diverse capabilities of MIDAS solutions, driving innovation and efficiency in their work performance related to civil engineering sectors.





Key Contents include:
  1. June 6th 10:00 AM

    MSc. Stanisław Bolanowski

    most.Design, MIDAS Power User


    Design Automation between midas Civil and API Function with Python


    Explore_MIDAS API Plug-in Inertial Forces Controller


  2. June 6th 11:00 AM

    Antonio Andrei Cristian

    Founder & Structural Engineer, Anotech Romania


    Masonry Analysis with midas Gen

    Seismic Performance Evaluation_Masonry Structure_feature2


  3. June 6th 12:00 PM

    Guglielmo Matacena

    Structure Engineer, Egis Romania


    Design optimization of a Cable-arch bridge with midas Civil NX and GTS NX

    How do we distinguish the arch bridge_썸네일


  4. June 7th 10:00 AM

    Dr.-Ing. Nikola Rajić

    Dr.-Ing. Nikola Rajić
    Structural Engineer, DB Engineering Belgrade 


    Parametric Bridge Design with midas Civil NX



  5. June 7th 11:00 AM

    Mohammed Elmokreta

    Senior Technical Engineer, MIDAS IT Europe


    Analyse du comportement vibratoire des passerelles piétonnes aux Eurocodes - Application du Guide SETRA avec midas Civil

    *Cette session sera présentée en français.

    *This Session will be held in French.



  6. June 7th 12:00 PM

    Alessandro Laurenza

    Senior Technical Engineer, MIDAS IT Europe 


    Design Prestressed Box Girder bridge with 3 Span in Curve with midas CIM

    cim resized


Who is this conference aimed at?

  • Engineer who wants to discover more about MIDAS software
  • Engineer who wants practical lessons in Bridge, Geotechnical & Structure design
  • Engineer who wants to optimize work performance in Structure design
  • Engineer who wants to be an expert in bridge, geotechnical and building design
  1. 09:30 - 10:00 30min Event Time Event Time


    Scan the QR to seminar check-in 
    in registration desk

  2. 10:00 - 10:30 30min Event Time

    Welcome Speech & MIDAS IT Company Intro

    Amy Hur
    Technical Support, MIDAS IT Australia

  3. 10:30 - 11:30 1H

    First Session:

    Caulfield to Dandenong Level Crossing Removal Project- Continous Span Staged Analysis & Temporary Work Design using Midas Civil

    Dylan Jesse

    MIDAS IT, Technical Engineer

  4. 11:30 - 12:30 1H

    Lunch Break

  5. 12:30 - 13:00 30min

    midas Civil NX Introduction

    Pranav Vaishampayan

    MIDAS IT, Technical Engineer

  6. 13:00 - 13:20 1h 20min

    Second Session Part 1:

    Fast & Simple Design Procedures - API/Plugin Design Procedure using midas Civil NX integrated with Grasshopper

     Pranav Vaishampayan

    MIDAS IT, Technical Engineer


  7. 13:20 - 13:40 20min

    Coffee Break

  8. 14:05 - 14:30 50 min

    Second Session Part 2:

    Analysis through Integration of midas Civil NX & Local Software

    Sonny (Donghyuk) Son
    Business Developer, MIDAS IT Malaysia

  9. 13:40 - 14:05 50 min

    Second Session Part 3:

    Powerful Design Procedure using midas Civil NX

    Sonny (Donghyuk) Son
    Business Developer, MIDAS IT Malaysia

  10. 14:30 - 15:00 30min

    Closing Remarks and Lucky Draw

our featured guests


Inspirational Speakers






Gift Card

Lucky Draw for Enthusiastic Attendees

i.e. Amazon Gift Card





Special offers

Purchasing MIDAS Family Software within Webinar Promotion Period





Free of Charge

Who wish to attend, please feel free to join us and enjoy!




Please fill out the form below to register for the event

Get Registered



Register now and secure your seat! 
Seminar has limited seats.





Date           :     6th & 7th of June 2024 (Thursday - Friday)

Time          :     10:00 AM (GMT+2) to 13:00 PM 

Platform  :    Gotowebinar




  • Webinar link will be delivered to your email address upon your given information.
  • All Recording Videos will be shared to every registrants after the webinar conference.



Civil new 3

midas Civil

Integrated Solution System for Bridge and Civil Structure

Civil NX 제품 이미지 for 랜딩페이지 (3)

midas Civil NX

The Ultimate FEM Analysis & Design Tool for Bridges


midas GTS NX

Geotechnical analysis System


midas FEA NX

Advanced Nonlinear and Detailed Analysis System (Finite Element Analysis Software)


midas nGen

Automated and Optimized Solution for Building Design and Drawing

Gen แท้

midas Gen

High-end Analysis and Design System for Building and General Structure